the founder and dreamer behind This Prepared Life.

When I first started prepping, it was hard to find information by women in the sea of information out there...

As a mom and wife, my focus is taking care of my family, no matter the circumstances. From power outages to the zombie apocalypse, my kids will still look to me and ask,
"What's for dinner?"
My strengths revolve around caring for my family. I am a keeper of the home and a keeper of the food, from dishes to laundry, from gardens to canning jars.
Prepping for those needs is my job and my responsibility. It is your job and your responsibility, too.
Ladies, it is our job to care for our families and to be prepared in whatever way that looks like for you. It is time to take action, take your next steps, and start your preparedness journey.
This Prepared Life formed out of all of the above. I hope you can find community, encouragement, and education in this space.
Hello! I'm Allison...
I have been with my husband, Joe, longer than we've been apart. We have been married since 2002. We have four amazing kids. We lost our 18-year-old son in October of 2021; this journey has been the hardest thing I have ever done.
In 2020, we moved our five-acre homestead in SW WA state to our 20-acre homestead in North Idaho. Moving a homestead to a new state was challenging but so worth it. We moved our beehives, chickens, and as many garden perennials as I could pot up.
Homestead Right Where You Are
Over the years, we have raised poultry for eggs & meat, dairy goats, meat goats, geese, and turkeys. Our goal is to produce as much of our food as possible, though I also believe that no one can be 100% self-sufficient. We like to experiment, try new things, and make all kinds of mistakes.
Sometimes, I refer to myself as the keeper of the food, from seed to stomach. I grow it, preserve it, cook it, and serve it, usually with a polka-dotted apron on. I love this responsibility.

If I'm keeper of the food...
I've decided that my husband Joe should be named the keeper of the ammo. I once asked him what he would have done had I never got on board with prepping. He said we'd be eating a lot of rice and beans with Tabasco. So the keeper of the food it is.
Everyone should be a prepper in whatever way, shape, or form works for our families. This is our responsibility as women and keepers of our homes. There is no excuse; just get started.
I'm an open book, and my stories on IG are filled with the randomness of my day—everything from gardening to my freeze dryer to my kids. I share pictures, videos, and my thoughts regularly.
I love aprons and coffee. I think lipstick goes well with muck boots, and if you were here in person, I'd feed you a snack.

"Some old-fashioned things like fresh air and sunshine are hard to beat. In our mad rush for progress and modern improvements let's be sure we take along with us all the old-fashioned things worth while.”

I'm all about
Doing what you can with what you have, people are the most important, coffee with my creamer, women supporting women, prepared not scared.

I'm not about
Late nights,
large groups of people, gossip, fast & busy, fear.
The perfect

- You are motivated and ready to take action
- You understand the value of preparedness
- You need a little help on the journey
- You believe that your family is your responsibility
- A supportive and encouraging community is important to you
- You understand that little steps add up over time
Here's how I can help
From standalone courses to beginner's guides and an exclusive membership community, there is something here for YOU.