I live in north Idaho with my husband Joe. I love helping women get prepared. You'll find a wealth of information here at TPL and on my social media accounts. Welcome!
Freeze drying is an important part of our kitchen and prepper pantry. We are on year three of owning a medium standard pump Harvest Right freeze dryer.
Use code TPL for 10% off your order on mylar and oxygen absorbers.
Links and products contained in posts and pages may contain affiliate links. If you purchase through those links, I may earn a commission at no additional cost to you. Please consider using my links if you plan to purchase an item anyway. I appreciate your support in this way.
Any products I mention here are products that I would use myself, use for my family, or use on my homestead. I will never give reviews that I do not fully believe in or accept products and give false reviews.
Preparedness is about FOCUS not fear
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