Welcome to This Prepared Life

community podcast

 Welcome to This Prepared Life. I am so glad you are here. 

I'm Allison, wife and mom to four living in North Idaho. I started This Prepared Life in early 2020 as a way to share my knowledge in homesteading and preparedness. I am passionate that women are preppers too and ladies it is our responsibility to take care of our families.

TPL started with an IG account @thispreparedlife and soon expanded into a podcast This Prepared Life Podcast. The podcast has episodes on all things homesteading and preparedness.  Though my most favorite episodes are the guest interviews. Interviews with women just like you who are stepping out in their journey and growing their own food, building food storage, and so much more. I wanted to highlight women of all ages and all stages of life because we learn from others experiences. Guest episodes are always being added and sharing your stories is a highlight and an honor. If you want to be a guest please contact me!

As time went on This Prepared Life grew and the need to be able to go deeper into topics grew as well. This is where This Prepared Life Community formed. In June of 2022 I launched TPLC, a place for women to come and learn new skills and refresh old ones. A place to meet other women who prep and homestead off of social media. Most of all it is a place where you can dive deep and focus on being prepared not scared in your homestead prepper journey. 

So welcome to This Prepared Life. There are a multitude of ways that you can connect and learn here from the blog to the newsletter to the community. Please reach out if you have questions either here or over on IG.

Links and products contained in posts and pages may contain affiliate links. If you purchase through those links, I may earn a commission at no additional cost to you. Please consider using my links if you plan to purchase an item anyway. I appreciate your support in this way.
Any products I mention here are products that I would use myself, use for my family, or use on my homestead. I will never give reviews that I do not fully believe in or accept products and give false reviews.